UMTYMP Calculus I and III Fall 2005

Website Information

This website is not an official part of your course. In UMTYMP courses we cannot assume students have computers or an internet connections, so you will never be required to access something on this page. For those of you who are online, however, I've placed some materials on this page. For various reasons, Calculus I is much less computerized; exam reviews, for example, are generally assembled with scissors and tape from ITCEP's archive of sample problems. Hence this page includes just a few resources for Calc I students, but quite a bit for people in Calc III.

If you have internet access, the easiest way to reach me is always via email:

UMTYMP Calculus I

UMTYMP Calculus I Fall 2005 Syllabus

Online Resources

As we cover material in class, I will update the following list of tools and websites which might be of interest to you; you'll recognize a few of them from class. These webpages are generally hosted outside of the University of Minnesota.


UMTYMP Calculus III Fall 2005 Syllabus

Homework and Exams

Online Examples and Demonstrations

I'll try to post the various demonstrations and interactive examples from class on this page, as well as a few others you might find interesting. Links marked with a (*) are actually examples/demos from a different course here that I've also taught; I'm putting them here because I think they're useful and informative, but beware that the notation can be a little different.

Chapter 10

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

This page is and belongs to The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.

Many thanks to css/edge for a lot of the ideas used in the creation of this page.

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