Syllabus and Course Information

Professor Joel Roberts, who has taught this course multiple times, has posted a good explanation of how our approach to Geometry will be somewhat different than other courses. Please read it during the first week of the class.

Reading & Homework Assingments

Office Hours: Tuesday 11:30-1:30, Friday 11:00-12:00 in Vincent 4.

Last updated on 12/15/09.

Week OfReadingHomeworkDueSolutions
9/7 Background
9/14 Chapter 1
9/21 Chapters 1, 2 1.6 #5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 30, 49
Read/Work through this Technology Handout
Lab Assignment #1
We, 9/30

Fr, 10/2
9/28 Chapters 2, 3 Download Homework 2 We, 10/7 pdf
10/5 Chapter 3,4 Lab Assignment #2 Fr, 10/16
10/12 Chapter 4 (Work on the Take Home Exam)
10/19 Chapters 4, 5 3.6 #29; 4.11 #9, 24, 44; 5.3 #1, 18(i,iii), 23
Note: 3.6.29 has a typo: you should swap (2,2) and (4,0)
We, 10/28 pdf
10/26 Chapter 6 Lab Assignment #3 Fr, 11/6
11/2 Chapter 7 6.6: #16, 24, 48; 7.9 #7, 13, 18(i,ii,iv)
Reflection Example
Fr, 11/13 pdf
11/9 Chapter 7,8 (Work on the Take Home exam)
11/16 Chapter 8,9 (Take a break after the exam)
11/23 Chapter 9 Short week; see extra credit problem Fr, 12/4
11/30 Chapter 9,10 8.3 #4; 9.9 #7, 8, 26; 10.5 #7, 8, 9 We, 12/9 pdf


Exams will be posted here throughout the semester.

Extra Credit Information

  • Opportunity #1: Jeff Weeks will give a public lecture at 7:00pm in 125 Willey Hall on the West Bank on Thursday, 11/12/2009; see this postcard for more details. If you attend, send me a brief email describing the talk for 5 extra credit homework points. Alternatively, you can watch the lecture online in the IMA Video Library; click on "Math Matters Public Lectures."
  • Opportunity #2: Hand in a complete solution to the following problem by 12/4/09 for five extra credit points: Find and prove the formula for the area of a spherical n-gon. Also solve the formula for the sum of the angles. Here's a brief overview of spherical geometry for those who missed the relevant material on 11/25. Note that some of the lunes in the "Area of a Lune" section on page 3 seem to be half-lunes, which is confusing. You might prefer this page for finding the area of a lune.


I record your numeric scores, not letter grades, but to give you an idea of how you're doing in the class I post approximate gradelines here. If the A line is 40, that means 40 is the lowest score in the A range, so it's the lowest A-. 39 would be the highest B+ in that situation.

Exam 1Exam 2

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