Preprints of recent research
Defect motion in modulated phases
Block copolymers as a structured material
- Anisotropic linear response in block copolymer lamellar phases.
- The role of viscoelastic contrast in orientation selection of block copolymer lamellar phases under oscillatory shear.
- Extended constitutive laws for lamellar phases.
- Pitchfork and Hopf bifurcation threshold in stochastic equations with delayed feedback.
- Collapse transition of a hydrophobic self avoiding random walk in a coarse-grained model solvent.
- Correlation times in stochastic equations with delayed feedback and multiplicative noise.
- Analytical determination of the bifurcation thresholds in stochastic differential equations with delayed feedback.
- Bifurcation threshold of the delayed van der Pol oscillator under stochastic modulation.
Sample Presentations
- Pattern formation in extended systems. Department of Physics, University of British Columbia. January 18, 2010.
- Pitchfork and Hopf bifurcation thresholds in stochastic equations with delayed feedback. Instituto Mediterraneo de Estudios Avanzados, Mallorca, Spain, May 28, 2010.
- Mesoscale description of defected materials. IMA Hot Topics Special Workshop: Mathematics and the Materials Genome Initiative. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota. September 2012.
- Pattern formation in mesophases. 9th MSU-UAB Conference on Differential Equations and Computational Simulations. October 2012.