Vic Reiner- talks
Research talks
- q-Ehrhart theory
- Ehrhart theory and a q-analogue,
UIUC Colloquium, September 19, 2024.
- Ehrhart theory and a q-analogue,
UMN Combinatorics Seminar, September 13, 2024.
- Macaulay inverse systems and graded Ehrhart theory,
Uwe Nagel 60th Birthday Fest, Notre Dame, August 12, 2024.
- PechaKucha 6-slide/6-minute talk, Richard Stanley 80th Birthday Fest, Harvard University, June 4, 2024.
- A q-analogue of Ehrhart theory, U. Minn. CAAG seminar chalk talk, Feb. 11, 2025.
- Descents, peaks and configuration spaces, video
ICECA (International Conference on Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications- virtual), August 27, 2024.
- Combinatorics of configuration spaces: recent progress
University of Rome- Tor Vergata Colloquium, November 3, 2023.
- Franceso, Polya frequency sequences, and Koszulity
89th Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, BrentiFest, Bertinoro, March 28, 2023.
- Stirling representations, Koszulity, supersolvability, etc
- Koszulity and Stirling representations
Various Guise of Reflection Groups, ICMS Edinburgh, March 14,2023.
- Stirling numbers, Koszulity, representations and supersolvability Seminaire Combinatoire et Theorie de Nombres, ICJ Lyon, October 3, 2023.
- Stirling numbers and Koszul algebras with symmetry
Symmetry, stability and interactions with computation, CIRM-Luminy, November 14,2023.
- Stirling numbers and Koszul algebras with symmetry Seminaire Groupes, Algebre et Topologie, Univ. de Picardie-Jules Verne, Amiens, December 7, 2023.
- Stirling numbers and Koszul algebras with symmetry Workshop on Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Combinatorics, Oberwolfach, December 11, 2023.
- Left-regular bands
- Hooked on the work of Adin and Roichman
Reflections: 60th birthday of Ron Adin and Yuval Roichman,
satellite to FPSAC 2021, Bar Ilan University, Jan 10, 2022
- Topology of augmented Bergman complexes,
- Invariant theory of cyclic permutations: a test case
CA+ Conference, Minneapolis, October 30, 2021
- Conjecture on cohomology of Grassmannians
Michigan State Combinatorics and Graph Theory Seminar, April 21, 2021
- Colorful Hochster formula and universal parameters
- q-Binomials and the Grassmannian
Polymath Jr REU 2020 problem intro talk; here is a
video recording.
- Whitney numbers for poset cones
- Coincidental reflection groups
Combinatorics of the coincidental reflection groups
FPSAC in Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 5, 2019
On the coincidental reflection groups
Arrangements at Western, U. Western Ontario, May 21, 2019
On the coincidental reflection groups
MAAGC, Drexel Univ., May 4, 2019
- On invariant theory for "coincidental" reflection groups
U. Minnesota Commutative Algebra seminar, Nov. 29, 2018.
Finite reflection groups and general linear groups
A Pan-Hemispheric Celebration of Math in Miami (ICM satellite), July 26, 2018
- Sandpiles and representation theory
- Sandpiles and Representation Theory
Univ. of Waterloo Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics Seminar, June 18, 2020.
Sandpiles and representation theory
Maheshwari Colloquium at SUNY-Albany, May 4, 2018
Sandpiles and representation theory
Cornell Math Colloquium (Oliver Club), Mar. 14, 2018
Sandpiles and representation theory
The George Washington Univ. Colloquium, Feb. 23, 2018
Sandpiles and Hopf algebras
ThibonFest, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 78,
Domaine St. Jacques, Ottrott, March 27, 2017
Sandpiles for group representations
Great Plains Combinatorics Conference, Univ. of Kansas, May 20, 2016
Hilbert functions for Chow rings of uniform matroids and their q-analogues
Joint Math. Meetings, San Diego CA, Jan. 12, 2018.
- Thrall's problem and coarsenings
Positivity in algebraic combinatorics, BIRS, August 15, 2015.
- Cyclic symmetry
Smith College Thursday Lunch Talks, April 9, 2015.
- Representation stability
q-Narayana and q-Kreweras numbers for Weyl groups
From WachsFest, Univ. of Miami - Coral Gables, January 5-9, 2015.
Catalan numbers,parking functions, and invariant theory
From CanaDAM, St. Johns, Newoundland June 10-13, 2013.
Toric partial orders
From AMS meeting in Boulder, Colorado, April 13-14, 2013.
Parking spaces
From AMS meeting in Oxford, Mississippi, March 1-3, 2013.
New twisted Gelfand pairs from reflection groups
From "q-Series 2011: a conference honoring M. Ismail and D. Stanton"
at Georgia Southern University, March 14-16, 2011
P-partitions revisited
From "Combinatorial algebra meets algebraic combinatorics"
conference at Lakehead Univ. in Thunder Bay, January 21-23, 2011
and Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics at NC State, March 9, 2011
- Cyclic symmetry, invariant theory, and q- and t-analogues
(from Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Heilsbronn, Feb. 2009)
- Face numbers of nestohedra
(from Minisymposium Algebraische und geometrische Kombinatorik, Erlangen, Sept. 2008)
- Two talks from the AMS Winter meeting New Orlean, Jan 2007
- Koszul algebras in combinatorics
(from MSRI workshop March 2003)
- Recent progress in the topology
of simplicial complexes
(from AMS meeting in Williamstown MA, Oct. 2001)
- The Geology of Gale diagrams,
extra scanned slides
Overview talks, talk series
Counting and cyclic symmetry
SUMS (Shenandoah Undergrad Math and Stats Conference), James Madison Univ., Nov 2, 2024.
- The Koszul property in algebraic combinatorics
MPI-Leipzig Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics
Leipzig, Germany July 15-19, 2024
- q-counting and invariant theory
Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics
Kraków, Poland, July 11-15, 2022
Cyclic and dihedral sieving
Texas State University REU talk, July 22, 2021
Hurwitz's factorization count and its deformations
Helen Barton Lecture, UNC-Greensboro (via Zoom), Aug. 26, 2020.
Counting trees and nilpotent endomorphisms
U. Minnesota Combinatorics seminar (via Zoom), Mar. 27, 2020.
- Cyclic sieving: old and new
Northeast Combinatorics Network's Virtual Combinatorics Colloquium, Nov. 14, 2018
- q-counting and representation theory
ECCO (Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria) 2018 Summer School
Barranquilla, Colombia, June 5-9, 2018
- Reflection group invariant theory and generatingfunctionology
Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics of Reflection Groups
Spring School, CRM-LaCIM-UQAM, Montreal, June 1-2, 2017
- General linear groups as reflection group 'wannabes'
Aisenstadt Lectures at CRM, Univ. de Montreal, March 14-17, 2017
General linear groups as reflection group 'wannabes'
Algebraic combinatorics and group actions, Herstmonceux Castle, UK, July 12, 2016
Cyclic symmetry? You can count on it!
Fisk Lecture, Univ. of Wyoming, March 31, 2016
- Reflection groups and finite general linear groups
from a mini-course at Centro di Recerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, Feb. 9-13, 2015
during the INdAM intensive research period
"Perspectives in Lie Theory"
The Art Gallery Theorem
UW Monthly Math Hour, May 18, 2014
The Art Gallery Theorem
St. John's Univ., Collegeville MN, Sept. 15, 2015,
and Augsburg College, Minneapolis MN, March 9, 2016.
- Rational Catalan Combinatorics: Intro
from AIM meeting Dec. 17-21, 2012
- Lectures on reflection group counting and q-counting
from Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics Summer School in Guimaraes, Portugal, July 2012
Algebraic combinatorics: using algebra to help one count
Max and Rose Lorie Lecture #1, George Mason Univ., Jan 29, 2010.
Its precursor talk
given as a Minnesota Jr. Colloquium on Jan 24, 2006
- Lectures on matroids and oriented matroids
from ACE Geometric Combinatorics Summer School, Univ. Vienna, 2005
U. Minn. seminar and reading group talks
Hall-Littlewood polynomials
U. Minn. Grad Combinatorics Seminar, Oct. 22, 2015.
Intro to McKay correspondence
An informal seminar in Winter 2016
at U. Minn., with 3 talks by me on
Feb. 1,8,15, then one by Theo Douvropoulos on Feb. 22.
A seminar resource list is here.
Hodge theory and matroids
U. Minn. Grad Combinatorics Seminar, Oct. 20 and Nov. 17, 2016.
Topology and combinatorics of the complex of injective words
U. Minn. Algebraic Representation Theory Seminar, Oct. 26 and Nov. 2, 2018.
Seminar on Kraskiewicz-Weyman 1985, and
A mini-seminar at Minnesota, Mar. 16, 2021.
- Some talks on B. Steinberg's book "Representation Theory of Finite Monoids"
U. Minn. Algebra Reading Seminar on Semigroups
- Notes from subbing for Gregg Musiker's Math 8680 in November 2024
- Note from subbing for Anna Weigandt's Math 8680
Feb 19, 2025 on Hochster and dual Hochster formulas for resolutions of Stanley-Reisner rings.
Prospective grad student open house talks
SIAM student chapter "5-minute research" event
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